I saw this image on Pinterest, and it caught my attention.
Where does self esteem come, really? I tend to agree with this infographic.
Many of us are grappling with issues about ourselves, or how we perceive ourselves. Most common these days is the victim narratives.
I am not really sure how it started, but lately, I've noticed that many people feel that they are victims. Emotional quotient has really been low for most, and it's a trend I am seeing in young people also.
I worry because I have teens. I don't want them to feel that it is the norm; that it is acceptable; that it's all right to feel take advantage.
No way!
Know your self-worth.
As I always say, you have a choice. It is timely also that I got this message from All Devotion.
Today, Meikah, God wants you to know that dilemmas cannot be solved.
Sometimes you may find yourself in a dilemma where you are "damned if you do, and damned if you don't." You cannot solve such dilemmas by choosing a side because both paths lead to suffering. The only way out is to transform your perspective to a place where the dilemma no longer exists. This is possible.
#GCQ9 #StayHomeAsMuchAsYouCan
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Ⓒ 8 June 2020
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