Monday Work Mood

This is my first attempt at creative photography using iPhone 6s. I also used Snapseed to clean up the image as the monoblock table had black smudges. I didn't clean it up very well because I wanted to maintain the authenticity of the shot.

Another work week, and this describes my week ahead. It will take a lot of creativity on my team's part to deliver the results we wanted.

Marketing, more than getting the numbers, is basically a creative work:

  • think of effective ways to break in new products
  • come up with plan B-Z when plan A doesn't work in getting in customers
  • launch ads to reach out to the right audience
  • craft effective messaging to engage your market
And the list goes on and on.

We are on our final stretch of our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, and we can't wait to get our products shipped to our early backers by June.

Wish me (us) luck! :)

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