At Sunset Bay Beach Resort, San Fernando, La Union, where we celebrated his 22nd birthday.
He is Gabriel Alfonso, my firstborn. We fondly call him Gabo. He shares the same nickname with that of one of my favorite authors, Gabriel 'Gabo' Garcia Marquez.
Gabo turned 22 last March 1st in 2000. I remember a friend telling me that in the Chinese calendar since he was born in the year of the dragon, and on the first days of the Chinese New Year, it means he is born a leader.
I am not really a strong believer in Chinese stuff, but it seems to be true. Ever since he started schooling, he finds his spot, his niche, and yes, he leads. Classmates and friends rely on him to make things happen. He is a school leader from grade school to university. He shows the same qualities in his OJT, that's why he got the trust and respect of his employer.
Growing up, he really is that kind of child or son that you wouldn't ever worry that he would mess up. Even his teachers and nuns had nothing but kind words about him. He has won our trust.
In two months' time, he will graduate from university and I couldn't be more proud to see him carve his own path, him growing to be one responsible young man. He never gave us headaches, except the usual banter between parent and child, but nothing major. And I think he has this gift of always seeing the two sides of the coin in any situation. Oftentimes, I am surprised by how he views things. He has wisdom at this young age.
What I love most is that he indulges me all the time! LOL.
I am certain, and with God's grace, he will be someone who will be pursuing his dreams.
#parentspride #parentingason #motherhood
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Ⓒ 12 April 2022
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