With our VP for Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines at the Top Growth 50 Lunch at Marriott Hotel Manila
The recently concluded elections got me thinking about how we may have been programmed since we started accomplishing things for ourselves.
My main candidate didn't win, and few of them made it to the senate (not counting the party lists, because I never voted for any of them anyway!).
When the results of the elections came out, it was not really surprising because it corresponds to the surveys prior to the elections. But some sectors won't accept them. It's unbelievable that some people can't accept defeat in any form.
That's the thing here in the country. No one loses, only cheated on. LOL
Which got me thinking. Have we been taught to win and not to lose, that's why we cannot handle defeat or failure easily?
For me, the answer is yes. We see winners being recognized and rewarded. Achievements are honored. Championships are celebrated. Who cares about number 2? We only set our eyes on who's number 1.
I remember when I was in Grade 6. A few of my classmates and I got a low score on one test. I cannot remember anymore what subject it was. We cried about that low score. Our English teacher found us in the corner of the school canteen crying. She scolded us, saying, "Don't be too grade conscious. Soon, you will find out, there's more to life than grades!"
She is right. Many of our successful classmates now were not honor students.
It got me thinking. Perhaps, early on, they learned how to handle failure, that's why they are better at coping.
I think about my kids now. Am I pushing them to win all the time?
In reality, we cannot always win. How are you when you are not winning?
#HowToWin #HowToLose #PurposefulLiving
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Ⓒ 23 June 2022
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