I've been hearing about seasons, seasons of life.
Going through life is not a straight line.
You go through different seasons. Every season leaves you with lessons, which you can use for the next season or when the same season revisits you.
I've had several seasons in my life, from being single to being married, being a wife to a mother, being a working mom, and now with my husband transitioning from employee to being a start-up entrepreneur, and grown-up sons. My elder is an engineer and working in one of the biggest developers in the country, and the younger one is a junior in college.
My single season was full of "me" time. I was teaching in a local college for four years, and it was the time when I was enjoying my work and my civic activities. I was out and traveling most of the time. LOL. When I got married, my season changed to being a wife, and after a year, to being a mother. And this blog was mostly about me being a working mom. So, you can explore my past posts.
About four years ago, my husband embarked on an online business, which has been giving us so many rewards since then. We call ourselves, start-up entrepreneurs since this is our first business together ever. And entrepreneurship is so different from being an employee, so that's another season to contend with.
Every season brings with it struggles and triumphs, but you go through it with a lot of lessons, more love, and wisdom.
My season may be different from your season. Respect it. Don't impose. Give space.
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