What Are You Grateful For?

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We started a Book Club last week where we meet every lunch break, 12nn to 1pm, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You may find the time unusual but this is because many of the members of this group are working. 

One thing I like about this activity is the opening. We always open with the priming of Tony Robbins and part of this priming is to recognize areas of gratefulness in our life.

So, this morning, we did the activity again, and again I am made to focus on things that I am grateful for at this point in my life. 

What am I grateful for?

I am grateful for peace and quiet in my home life. 

For me that is a big thing because the home is our haven from the outside world. If it's already chaotic outside and your home is chaotic as well, where do you go?

And today, I realized I have neglected this blessing for long because I guess I've been used to it. My home (Praise God!) has always been quiet, conflict free especially now that the kids are grown up. 

I have two boys and yes, while they were young, they were really rowdy and would quarrel. The funny thing was that after they quarelled, each one would look for the other. Ha ha! But every time they quarreled, I would always tell them, "You are brothers. You should go to each other for support and all. Because brothers never leave each other. Friends may come and go, but brothers won't!"

Now, they argue a bit and be okay a minute after.   

Our Ate Tata, our househelp, is also not the kind who is moody. In fact, she is always in a good mood. Unbelievable, but true! Ha ha. And her little angel has lighten up our household some more! 

Peace. Calm. Quiet. These are what I am grateful for. 

What about you?

*Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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Ⓒ 25 January 2021

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