Sunnies Café's Crispy Tacos
asada steak, fried quail eggs, homemade crispy parmesan taco shells, cilantro cream sauce
Do you get it when I say that there are times you don't like to eat but when you think of these food, no matter what you can't help but eat? Whew!
I get that all the time! And my kids, especially my younger son got it from me, too. Ha ha!
My ever go-to food are eggs! Any way you cook it, but I mostly prefer soft fluffy scrambled eggs with cheese, onions, and tomatoes. I would eat it with Del Monte tomato catsup original. Anything with eggs.
Next is anything with tomatoes. Raw, fresh and crispy tomatoes, or tomato soup and tomato sauce for pasta or anything, I would love it!
Dried fish na pinakas. I don't know what's pinakas in English, but it's fish cut into half and dried. But there's a certain kind of fish that is perfect for that too.
Century Tuna spicy tuna comes to mind next. We always have this in our cupboard because if I don't feel like eating, I eat this with toasted bread, with rice or even with fruits.
Salmon we had in Miyakojima-Ku, Osaka-Shi Amijimacho, Japan.
Salmon fish, in soup or fried or grilled, or best as sashimi. And when I got to try mackerel in Osaka, Japan, oh my! I love it, too!
Siomai with chili sauce (my favorite is Hen Lin's). Siopao, especially the original Chinese ones.
All Japanese food, especially sushi sashimi, tempura, takoyaki, and ramen. I would really crave for it!
Authentic Ramen in Dotonbori, Osaka, Japan
Sushi platter we had in Miyakojima-Ku, Osaka-Shi Amijimacho, Japan.
Sandwiches of any kind. I love bread, especially freshly baked and made into sandwich (like this avocado toast here) and pita bread.
Day 24 Minimalism challenge, Turn off notifications. I do this on Sundays and at night when I am about to sleep. I also turn off my Internet connection of my phone by this time.
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Ⓒ 24 September 2021
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