Hallo Monday!
I used to dread Mondays but now I look forward to it every single week. Maybe because I don't rush to work anymore, since we all work from home now.
I also did something new and something changed, completely. Let me share here eight things I do, without fail, every Monday.
First. Have a restful Sunday. I make sure that I pause, I stay away from social media. I nourish myself with family love and care. If you can do a total social media detox, much better. It makes a whole lot of difference, believe me!
Second. Start your devotion and worship. As soon as I wake up, I talk to the Lord. I spend my first hours of the day with him. Then I hum, listen and sing along to worship songs.
Third. Read 1-2 chapters of a book and write down your thoughts. As of the moment, I am alternating from All That Matters of Francis Kong, The Leader's Greatest Return by John Maxwell, and The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman.
Fourth. Take a walk quietly, meaning no music is plugged in your ears. I know some do some exercise while listening to their favorite music. In my case, I prefer quiet and focus on nature or on the surroundings, and be lost in my thoughts. I find it more therapeautic.
Fifth. Take a long(er) shower. Another therapeuatic activity for me. This time, I can sing in the shower. Ha ha!
Sixth. Dress up a bit more. To set my mood better, I pay attention to what I will wear. I also put on chunkier accessories and bolder lipstick. A very good mood pick-upper is to dress up, or even overdress.
Seventh. Have a good breakfast with excellently brewed coffee. I do this more leisurely during Mondays. I'm happier now because my elder son is a budding barista, and he makes sure we have good coffee, milk, syrup, etc to make a good cup of coffee. We also have 3 different coffeemakers, coffee press, Dolce Gusto caps, and Krups brewer. I don't really get it but my son uses all to make just one cup of coffee. Ha ha!
Eighth. Get excited about your work or business at hand. I am loving these new technology: Google Meet, Google Meet, Skype for Business, and Zoom because it's much easier to connect now with my partners--both local and overseas.
So there! I hope you can do a thing or two from this list, and help you get through your Monday as well.
Day 13 Minimalism challenge, Make a gratitude log. I love this! If you go through life grateful, you will be in a much better place. And in this pandemic, I know it's hard to be optimistic or to look at things more hopefully, but if we focus on being grateful, we can better cope.
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Ⓒ 13 September 2021
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